It should of been so good..
Sunday, 13 April 2008
My first Grandchild was born on the 6th April. His arrival was amazing. I must have felt every emotion imaginable. Excited that he was on his way and helpless to see my daughter in pain.
On the 7th April everything turned numb. My Daughter went into intensive care. It should never of been like this. My Daughter should be cuddling her little boy instead she has photoghraphs that she is yet to see. My Grandson is at home with me and all I can do is cuddle him until his mum is well enough to.
Type rest of the post here
6 May 2008 at 03:26
OH, I'm so very very sorry.
14 May 2008 at 01:18
Hi Tina, I hope your daughter is better now ?