Keep Ben in the News

Take one healthy child, call it something nice...
Scrub away the grime, negotiate a price...

Touched by Adoption

Touched by Adoption
Dont ask stupid questions

Touched... I'm not  

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Do you ever wonder who invented some of the words or phrases used when it comes to adoption. I do, maybe I just need to get a life!

Some words are damn right offensive and some... Well, some are away with the fairies. The adopted child is a 'gift'. When I think of the word gift I think of wrapping paper and if I'm giv
en a gift I immediately shake it. Not a very good idea if the 'gift' is a child. I've yet to see a child in wrapping paper, haha, and I cant imagine myself shaking a child.
'Touched' by adoption. When I think of the word touch I think of Touched by an Angel (god I love that program!) or touched in the head, or even the touch of a butterflies wing on my face on a hot summers day. 'Touched' by adoption is something I don't feel. Battered, whacked, splattered, yes, those I do feel, but no, not touched.

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2 comments: to “ Touched... I'm not

  • birthmom1986
    3 November 2007 at 15:19  

    One of my favorites was that my daughter was a
    "gift from God."
    Thank you very much, she was a gift from me. Only because my parents were too ashmamed of a 15 year old daughter and a granddaughter.

  • Tina with much2say
    3 November 2007 at 16:17  

    Hiya, well its national adoption week next week and all the nice sugar coated words will be spewing out of the mouths of the TV presenters. I think we should hold a competition for the most pathetic ignorant words used.
    Good to hear of you, anyway, hope your ok.
    love tina

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